Tuesday, March 5, 2013

#Launch2013 Fireside Chat w/ Evan Williams @ev (The Obvious Corporation)

The following are my rough notes from the #Launch2013 fireside chat between Jason Calacanis (@Jason) and Evan Williams (@ev).  Rough and raw points I found interesting to keep track of :)

- no 5 year roadmap
- his new product is "medium" with collections
- building cohorts of like minded ideas
- what matters to young entrepreneurs "do someting you really wnat to exist in the world and focus on it entirely, and something good will probably come of it."
- big companies are doomed to be slow, and we don't have to worry about them movnig into the space of a startup, so we can all build new things - based on experience working in google
- branch" better conversations
- lift" habit tracking app
- "beyond meat" alternative meat

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